[-A personal exploration in objective & subjective morality, philosophy, spirituality, religion and a lack thereof-]


[-A Solution To Capital Punishment Immorality?-]

I can tell you right now that the death penalty does not personally bother me. I believe that if people are going to commit crimes such as murder, (in most circumstances,) and rape, they have forfeited their lives.

But even in my original post about the prison system, I circumvented most instances of the death penalty with my chain of “employment”. Criminals would only be put to death if they simply refused to work. After watching an interesting documentary, (it might have been a Nova, but I’m not certain. I tend to watch a lot of docus,) I considered whether or not a different idea would be more “moral”.

Scientists are learning how to wipe people’s memories. Wiping someone’s memory destroys their learned personality - the nurture part of their psyche. Used on criminals as a form of rehabilitation, if those individuals became criminals because of their life experience, they could be relocated, given new identities, (so that they didn’t automatically get mixed up with the same problems,) and given a new chance at life.

Logically, theists who believe in an after life should love this idea. The person’s still alive, soul intact, so no harm, right? God’ll figure out what to do with them when they die, or He can take them out if he wants to. As an atheist, I wonder if this isn’t nearly the same as killing them. The new person is a different person entirely. However, more or less I consider that, although the consciousness doesn’t remember, it’s still the same one. It gets confusing, obviously, but Hell, it’s an idea.